Personal Training

Choose. Commit. IMPROVE-- That’s my philosophy. You’ll notice I said nothing about SUCCESS. Everyone has a different measure of success-- and success implies that there is an END point, some measure that’s going to dictate whether you win or lose. This isn’t about winning or losing! This is about finding your way to a body that you feel great in, no matter your shape or size. My goal is to help you develop a relationship with your body and to support a healthy lifestyle that makes for better living. You and me-- partners in better living.  I am committed 100%. When I design a program for you, it is to meet your unique needs and it will change over time as improvement occurs. Are you ready to commit to a healthier you? It begins with your daily choices and I'm here to help you with those!

Potential Program Goals:
Weight Loss: Take control of your weight loss goals with a dedicated partner! We’ll tackle all aspects of weight loss- calorie tracking, meal planning, exercise, motivation and emotional support. My approach to weight loss is through exercise and gradual changes to nutrition that can be maintained over time. As a certified lifestyle weight management specialist, I can help you develop that a nutrition plan that you won't consider a "diet".

Overall Health and Wellness: Maybe you’re just looking for someone to keep you in check and motivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We can discuss training options to find and include exercise you will actually like to do!

Strength: Targeted strength workouts to build back weak areas to a prior state or even better than before. Reps and sets depend on GOALS! 

Athletic Performance:  Running, cycling, or sport-specific training to improve your performance.

Love Your Body...

Feel Fantastic!